Cllr Shantu Ferdous

I have lived in Newham for many years and am a political and community activist who has long fought for residents’ rights. As your councillor I am working relentlessly to resolve the issues such as crime, anti-social behaviour and flytipping in East Ham ward. Surgery Details: 2nd Tuesday of the month 11.30am-12.30pm at East Ham Library […]

Cllr Imam Haque

I have been living in East Ham for over 15 years and want to work with each and every East Ham resident to make it a cleaner, greener and safer neighbourhood. I will be working to promote more investments for our youth and will support local businesses to thrive. Surgery Details: 1st Saturday of the […]

Cllr Femi Falola

I work as a Civil Servant in the Home Office and serve the community as an Independent Custody Visitor, maintaining good relationships between the police and local communities. I have volunteered as a youth worker and am passionate about providing opportunities for young people and keeping our streets safe. Surgery Details: 2nd Saturday of the […]